A trusted nursery serving North DFW for over a half century!
Hartwells Nursery has been Lewisvilles’ Nursery and Landscape service for over 50 years. Started by Ken Hartwell in 1964 under the Name ‘Lewisville Garden Center, we have been in the same location for the entire time. We have done work, in some cases for three generations of the same famlies. Hartwells is a full service nursery open the the public year around. Wholesale pricing is available to landscapers and professionals in the industry. We pride ourselves in the landscape services we provide, from professional landscape design to complete installation. We are happy to give pricing on a design provided by the homeowner or others. Feel free to come out to the nursery at any time to make your dreams of the perfect landscape come true.
Your Source for Shade Trees…
Oaks are usually recommended as the best shade trees for our area; Shumard Oak with brilliant red fall color is always at the top of the list, and the evergreen Live Oak is the close second. Red Maple, Chinese Pistache and Burr Oak are all great trees and also very popular. But there are a lot of faster growing trees for shade that are also very popoular: native Sweetgum, Willows, Ash and Bald Cypress. Magnolias are great and beautiful shade trees that are green year around—but are a little slower in growth. Pine trees like Slash and Loblolly will also make a good shade. Although not usually thought of a shade tree, some of the larger-growing Crepe Myrtle varieties such as Natchez White and Bashams Pink will provide a lot of shade. Callary Pears like Aristocrat, Bradford, and Cleveland are Still very popular with their white spring blooms and bright fall color.
Palm Trees
Many Palms will do great in Southern Denton County. Mexican Fan Palm is not one of them. A lot of places will sell Mexican Fan as a hardy variety—dont let this happen to you. But there are a lot of Palms you should have success with. This list includes First: Windmill Palm. It is one of our favorites because it grows fast and has none of the sharp hooks that some other varieties have. Texas Sabal is a beautiful variety and very popular along with Pindo and Mediterranean Palms. Chinese Fan and Canary Island date are used a little less but still good choices.
Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, Berry Vines, Grapevines
Fruit Trees do great in our area, provided that you get the specific varieties proven to do well in our part of north Texas. Generally speaking; Peaches, Plums, Pears and some Apples and Figs are most popular. Next are Apricot, Persimmon and Cherry. Most of our fruit trees are sold in a 5 Gallon size—–easy to plant, but still of a good size. We do not sell bare-root trees in plastic bags; these die too easily. We sell only fully-rooted fruit trees that should thrive with reasonable care. Hartwells carries Pecan trees in season in six-gallon or larger sizes; all are rooted trees and paper-shell varieties only. We usually carry the improved kinds like: Choctaw, Cheyenne, Mohawk, Kiowa, Pawnee , and Desirable. Blackberries and some raspberries are stocked in-season and Grapevines are stocked most of the year.
Landscape Shrubs
Hartwells grows a lot of our shrubs at our own growing area here in Lewisville (this is one of the reasons we encourage recycling of plastic nursery containers). A great deal of material comes from national growers—some in Texas and some out of state, but we always strive to provide a good quality shrub and plant material at a very reasonable price. We see a lot of plants offered at other stores that may not always well suited for our area here in North Texas; but at Hartwells, we try to provide the kinds of plants that most people will have success with. There are lot of different growing conditions for customers to contend with, for example: full sun, or heavy shade, or areas that receive a lot of wind, or areas that stay wet all the time. There are times that a low-growing plant is called for, there are times that tall screening plants are needed. All the requirements can be met with the right shrub or plant. Let us help you to find the perfect choice for your particular needs.
Ornamental Trees
Trees grown for their asthetic value usually fall into this category, but not always. For example, a fruit tree may be trained to grow in the landscape more for it’s looks and beauty. rather for fruit production. But for the most part, ornamental trees are usually smaller and often hold their leaves year around. Many of the Holly Varieties fall into this category, like Savannah Holly, Yaupon Holly, Nellie R Stevens Holly and lots of others. Usually with their smaller size; ornamental trees can be planted in smaller spaces, and closer to structures. Japanese Red Maples, for example, come in many size and structures, but almost all varieties require shade after 10:00 am in our area. Other Ornamental Trees are actually large shrubs that are trained into tree form—this list can include the Hollies, Wax Myrtle, Sweet Olive, Loquat, Photenia, Compact Magnolia like Little Gem, and many others. Ornamental Trees are vital in the landscape to provide a striking focal point of beauty.
Ground Covers
Hartwells carries an assortment of the most hardy and most often used groundcovers well suited for the southern Denton County area. Groundcovers vary in their tolerance to light and moisture conditions. There is also great degree of difference of texture, height, color, and tolerance to temperature. Some of the plants like Asian Jasmine, Liriope (both the green and Variegated varieties, Euonymus Coloratus, and others will be fine to use in both sun or shade. Some of the groundcovers like the Ivies and Ajugas will tolerate sun only in the earlier part of the day and must have shade in the heat of the afternoon. The most popular groundcovers are green year ’round, but some varieties will go dormant in the winter—such as Hosta and others. Some plants used as groundcovers like Sweet Potato Vine are annual-and must be replanted each spring. Pervian Verbena and trailing Lantana are great perennial groundcovers for sun that bloom all season long. Trailing Juniper varieties such as Blue Rug, Green Mound and Bar Harbor are very popular for sunny areas where a lower profile is required.
Other garden and landscaping specialties include…
We offer #1 grade, large selection, hundreds to choose from including Climbers, Hybrid Teas, Shrub, Knockouts, Floribundas, Drift, Homerun & Double knockout.
Garret Juice, Corn Gluten Meal, Dried Molasses, Lava Sand, Composts, Mulches, Orange Oil, liquid Seaweed, Corn Meal, and a number of organic fertilizers. ORGANIC GARDENING AT ITS BEST!
Beneficial Garden Creatures!
Ladybugs, Trichogramma Wasps, Beneficial Nematodes.
Shadow Turf and Tech Turf.
Perennials have been one of the fastest-growing areas of nursery production and innovation. Each year, many new perennial introductions are made to the Nursery Trade. Bright new colors, increased new tolerance to temperature, light, and conditions; and new size and structure improvements have made perennials an ever exciting aspect of the landscape. Also, because they come back from last-years root system, costly replanting each year can be avoided with the increased use of perennials. Perennial envelope a large family of plants—from the sun-loving and drought hardy Lantanas; to the shade and moisture loving Hostas, there is something for every place in your landscape. Many perennials are known for their ability to attract and nourish butterflies and hummingbirds, birds , desirable insects, and honeybees. The variety of sizes and colors is truly amazing and we try to carry some of the best perennials for our area of North Texas. Turks Cap and Skullcap. Coreopsis and Lantanna. Ice Plant and Whilring Butterfly. Butterfly Bush and Mexican Petunia are but a few of the best we carry—–and the list is everchanging!
Annual Color
We sell most of our our Annual plants in 4” size square pots—-we dont force you to buy in multiple containers. Annuals provide a riot of seasonal color, but usually are in their peak-performance for a few months. This is why we try to sell the best-performing reasonably-priced annuals. Annuels at Hartwells are usually priced at between $.99 to $1.49, depending on variety—–and you dont have to buy a whole tray—you buy individually as many or as few as you like. Pick and choose and buy all one color or Mix-em up! Some of our favorites for cool-season are: Pansy and Viola, Flowering Cabbage and Kale, Snapdragons, Dianthus, Dusty Miller and a few others. For the warmer months, the choices are much greater: Begonias, Perrywinkle Petunia, Gomphrena, Portulaca, Purslane, Zennia, Stock, Cosmos, and lots more. These are to be planted starting in the spring and summer or even fall and will last and bloom until the first killing-freeze.
Crepe Myrtles!
We believe that there is a Crepe Myrtle for every person. There are so many variations of color and size, it would be hard to list them all—–but we try to stock the best of the best. The size starts in one gallon for the Weeping Miniature Varieties and goes up to a 25 Gallon size for some of the larger-growing types. Hartwells usually has several colors in 3 Gallon size starting at $9.95(a promotional item) and lots of larger sizes in various colors. We try to maintain a good selection of Crepe Myrtle throughout the year—and yes, there is a Crepe Myrtle for You!
This is a tough one. We have Dwarf Bamboo and Giant Bamboo and in-between we have Golden Bamboo and Black Bamboo and even Henon Bamboo. But be careful; Bamboo does so well in our area it can sometimes get out of control. So we encourage everyone interested in Bamboo to do your homework as some varieties are more aggressive that others. With these cautions, Bamboos can provide a beautiful and unique atmosphere in the landscape, and with proper control and/or containment, can be a highlight of the garden. We sell Bamboo in a couple of sizes and will sometimes discount the price for volume purchases.
“We’ve been faithful customers of Hartwell’s Nursery for many years. They always have the best varieties of plants and we always find what we want. And their landscape designers are second to none. We have the best looking yard in our neighborhood!”Michael and Lori M. - Flower Mound, TX